The best of Mexico

Mexico is a place full of surprises. It is really worth visiting! To inspire you I am going to share my very favourite things about Mexico.


Every day sunny and warm. I love that kind of weather where palm trees are everywhere you go. Such temperature allows growing some the most delicious fruits like mango, oranges etc. Sunny weather just makes life much better! Sunshine always makes me smile and improves the day!



Guys, I hope you know what I am talking about. Mexican food, tacos, are adorable! Tacos al pastor, miss them so much! But also, all exotic fruits. Pitaya, rambuton, mango amarillo, carambola, tuna, mamey, pinon, papaya, maracuya and others. They are just so good! I already made a special post dedicated to Mexica food.



I love Spanish, especially Mexican accent. It sounds like a melody. I liked it so much that I learned it while being there for 6 weeks only. In my opinion, it is easy to learn, at least the basics. And it is also useful because everything there is in Spanish, especially in smaller towns.



When I was there, I met many Mexican people for the very first time. They were so nice to me! And they were very welcoming. Even the ones I had no relation with, like sellers, they were smiling and helping. People in Mexico are very friendly and positive.


Warm water.

I love swimming and chilling in the sea, but in Europe, we can do it only in summertime. Well, technically it is possible all the time but I prefer warm water. But in Mexico, it is warm all the time! Yucatan and Quintana Roo amazed me. And not to mention, water is very clear that you can see some colourful fish and other animals in the water. I was snorkelling and I saw lots of different, colourful fish, sea stars and even a turtle.

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From overcrowded cities to calm nature. From 2000 m above sea level to the waterfront. From noisy place to quiet. Mexico is so big that everyone can find there something to visit. I was lucky to have a chance to be in Mexico City, Morelos, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo and Yucatan. Mexico City is 2 km above sea level. Is not that crazy!? Then I went to the south to Oaxaca and I saw mountains. Then I went to Yucatan and I saw cenotes and the sea. And you might think that water was just blueish, but what if I say you that it was also pink? Yes, that is what I mean with contrasts and surprises in Mexico!

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Mexico has such an interesting history! Culture of Mayans and Aztecs are very important and we still use many things from them like astronomy science. Mayans were the ones who explored the sky, stars and order of them depending on time. They were smart. They were also cruel, according to their traditions of sacrifice.




They are just speechless and breathtaking. Mexico is Beautiful!




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